
Sunday, October 25, 2009

And so this adventure begins...

I love food. I love cooking it, eating it and sharing it. The joy I receive when someone appreciates the food I make is priceless.

I am sure our family is not alone in times where money is tight and you want to save every penny you can. You want to make the food you have last longer. So you make a wonderful dinner and of course had a ton left over or maybe just a small container full. What do you do with that leftover food? Put it in the fridge hoping someone will heat it up the next day for a meal? Only to find that even though everyone loved the meal the night before the idea of eating it later that day or week does not interest anyone so you end up throwing it away a week later...hopefully it is only a week!

My goal is to help others take those leftovers and make a new meal creation. This may only be a new meal for one at lunch, a wonderful snack for everyone to enjoy or even taking that small container of leftovers and creating a whole new meal for the entire family.

Join me on my new adventure of making those wonderful leftover creations!

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